I’m busy putting the finishing touches on our Teaching Develop in Swift Online class for next week. It promises to be a week full of Swift coding and app prototyping that you’ll be able to use in your classroom to teach people how to code.
I’m so excited, and if you’re joining us, I hope you are, too.
All Around Skills

But I was reminded this week of how much we’re all sitting in front of these screens, all day, nearly every day. I have two teenagers in secondary school here in Ireland. Their schools are doing an amazing job keeping them learning during these difficult times, but it is a looooooong day in front of an iPad or laptop.
We’ll have the same scenario next week, with our instructors: it’s a lot of hours in front of a screen.
Now, in addition to coding, I love working out, whether it’s playing a sport or exercising to feel more fit.
And during lockdown and before, I work out with a trainer in Ireland named Dominic Munnelly.
If you’re looking to make sure you’re developing all your skills, physical as well as mental, you could do a lot worse than working out with him every Monday and Wednesday at 7pm, Irish time. Catch him on his Instagram channel live or watch it back later at your leisure.
Dom’s not paying me to say this, and his sessions on Instagram are free. Even though they say they’re for kids they’re challenging enough for any of us who have been sitting down all day at a computer or device.
You’ll find a good mix of moving your body, a little bit of strength work, and some mobility, to make sure you’re flexible and fit for life, not just for today.
Of course, you might have your favorite workout routine. There’s Joe Wicks and his video series, Swim Ireland are holding live online workouts, Sport Ireland have some awesome family workouts, too.
Just getting away from the screen for a little bit each day will help you clear your mind, shake out the cobwebs, and hopefully improve your mood. The thing I love about all the people I’ve linked above is that they don’t push you past your limits. They all have a sensible approach to getting and keeping fit.
This is just a public service announcement to make sure you’re taking care of yourself both mentally as well as physically.
And we’ll see you out there, coding!