We’ve been running a series of live coding sessions since March, 2020. Learn how to build an app using only your iPad and a bit of time! We teach you Swift, the language of iPhone and iPad apps.
At the moment, there are three:
- Learn App Development with
– All of our videos from the Coding at Home series, from the very beginning to the latest, published every weekday - Everyone Can Code Puzzles – Covering Apple’s Everyone Can Code Puzzles curriculum for beginning coders with Swift Playgrounds and iPads
- Lights, Camera, Code – The next step: an intermediate exploration of the camera-based playgrounds in Swift Playgrounds on iPads
- Build an Aquarium App – Using a starting point, we explore techniques and code we can use to build an application inside Swift Playgrounds, suitable for things like the Apple WWDC20 Swift Student Challenge!
- Augmented Reality – We take a look at a few ways to create augmented reality scenes to unleash your imagination
- Coding Games with Sensor Arcade – Build some games using all the sensors on the iPad, like the light sensor in the camera, sound from the microphone, touch from the screen…
- WWDC20: Swan’s Quest – Follow along as we explore the new playgrounds shipped at WWDC20
- Sonic Workshop: Coding in Swift Playgrounds – Build a sonic masterpiece with us as we try out the Sonic Workshop playground book
For live coding sessions, join us live, weekdays at 1pm, Irish time! Or, if you’re unsure about leaping into the deep end, sign up for one of our “lookback sessions”, where we go over beginner playgrounds in a more personalized setting.