We’re back again today, a bit like a loop, in fact!
Join us at 9:45am Irish/UK time.
We hope you didn’t work up too much of a sweat yesterday with the dancing, because we’re back dancing again today.
Steve is going to be a HUGE hit today, because he’s going to take us through some fun dance moves. You might even recognise some of the dances we’re going to try.
And we have a special guest school today, from the Netherlands, De Stapsteen. They’ll be showing off their own moves and having a chat with us at the end.
For the coding portion we’ll be covering one of my favourite programming concepts: loops!
Using loops you can come up with some really amazing results, like in this turtle graphics example above or when you’re solving a problem that has some repetitive tasks associated to it.
The syntax may look a little odd, but we’ll get some practice in and hopefully it’ll feel a little more normal by the time we’re done.