Coding at Home: May 26th, Back to Assemble Your Camera

Come back with us to assembling your camera! Live at 1pm, Irish time on Twitch!

Recap: Build an App in Swift Playgrounds

We may be done with live coding our aquarium app, but hopefully you’re not! There’s so much more you could do with the tools and techniques we’ve used over the last few days.

We added an array to track the number of ducks someone might add to our aquarium. Then we added a function to a button to line the ducks up as if someone threw bread in the aquarium for them.

Not bad for a week’s worth of work! Well, if you add all the time you’ve spent already, learning about Swift, you’ve definitely spent more than a week!

Now, you may not have gotten this far. We covered a LOT of topics and wrote a lot of code. Go back over the whole Build an App Aquarium series and catch up on parts you feel you might have missed.

If you didn’t quite get the rough contact testing we did, go back to that video and give it a re-watch. That might be a key for your app or game.

This has been a lot of material to digest. What we’ll see is that sometimes it makes sense to go back over previous code you’ve written to really understand it.

Today’s Session

The plan for today’s session is to go back to the Assemble Your Camera playground.

We were nearly done with building out our camera, so we’re going to finish it off over the next few days.

We’ll use the App class to organize our code, and maybe this will give us some ideas about how we can better organize our app or game from the App at Home playground.

In fact, when we review the code on the MyCamera class that notifies inputs of an image having been taken, you might start thinking about ways you could use that technique in your own game. Maybe for a fish that communicates with other fish in its school. Or in a squadron of enemy ships, when one gets near the player’s ship, notifies the others of their location.

You’ll be able to look back over a lot of the code you’ve written and begin to apply new things you’re learning. Or maybe just new things you’re appreciating, now that you’ve had a bit of experience coding.

See you at 1pm!

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