Join us today to work through some more Swift programming and augmented reality at 1pm, Irish time!
Welcome back, Swift Playgrounds!
So it’s been a while, but we’re back in Swift Playgrounds!

Using the Augmented Reality playground from the Challenges section of “More Playgrounds”, we eased back in to calling functions and creating variables yesterday.
Much of the code we wrote on the second page was similar to the code we were writing in our Lights, Camera, Code series. We have a scene
and we need to add our Model
s to the scene.
These beautiful, pre-built models have some great functionality already baked in, like the ability to animate by just calling their animate()
Today’s session
In today’s session we’re going to remind ourselves of a few techniques in Swift to display more models in our scene and shake off some of that rust. The combination of the work we’ve done with Swift and the augmented reality work we did in Reality Composer for these last few sessions are going to go together really nicely!

In other news
If you want to see some of the work other students have done, we have a special preview of one reality file… This student made a domino game for you to play in the comfort of your own home.
I recommend a large, open space, because you’ll be moving around a lot!
Try it out (if you’re on an iPhone or iPad… otherwise, clicking this link will download the reality file for you to play around with):
See you at 1pm!