Join us today at 1pm for some more fun with Reality Composer.
Yesterday we went over adding an image anchor for a Reality Composer scene. We picked a new book, showed you how to take a picture and trim it to be a good target image.

We also built a series of scenes so we wouldn’t see our assets while we fished around, looking for our image anchor in the real world.
Once we found it we showed a tab we could tap on to get more info about the main character.
This way we can export our experience and share it with friends.
From that character page we then added an arrow to navigate back to the previous scene.
Today’s session
Today we’ll look at what makes a good image anchor and what doesn’t. We’ll give you some tips and tricks for making sure your image gets recognized. And we’ll also look at what’s happening, with our image anchor.
So catch up with us and we’ll play around with some more augmented reality!